
Streamline access to alternative investments with Monark

Boost Portfolio Returns

Alternative investments, being largely uncorrelated with public markets, offer a unique opportunity for portfolio diversification. Historical data reveals that incorporating alternatives into a traditional 60% / 40% equity / bond allocation could have enhanced annualized returns. Unlock the new 50 % / 30% / 20% equity / bond / alternatives portfolio for your customers.

Democratize Access to Alternative Investments

Despite their significance, alternative investments remain underutilized by individual investors. Monark is committed to bridging this gap, democratizing access to alternative investments for a broader spectrum of investors.

Enhance Your Customer Value

Offering alternative investments can attract high LTV customers, foster increased engagement with your platform, extend the LTV of existing customers reducing payback period, and generate a high-margin stream of recurring revenue.

Our Services

Simplified Investment Operations

The infrastructure required to support alternative investments can be complex and costly. Monark streamlines your investment operations, freeing you to concentrate on customer service.

Broadened Investment Offerings

Monark provides access to top tier alternative investments, with any number of curated offerings to best meet your customers needs

Regulatory Compliance

We navigate the complexities of offering alternative investments, including KYC/AML, accredited investor status verification, and compliance with evolving regulatory standards.

Legal structuring can be expensive and time-consuming. Monark handles this, managing fund formation and operation.

Due Diligence and Relationships

Establishing and maintaining relationships with managers can be challenging. Monark conducts comprehensive diligence processes and manages third-party relationships, saving you time and resources.

Our APIs


Our Marketplace features a selection of premier alternative investments, all easily accesable to Monark, as Monark interfaces with GPs as an institutional LP.

Alts Investment Accounts

These specialized accounts are designed for managing orders, positions, and capital calls related to alternative investments.

Regulatory Compliance

Our platform enables swift verification of your customers' KYC and accreditation status if required.


A vault for secure access to accredited verification/KYC, subscription, trade confirmations, and tax reporting documents.

Order Management

This feature simplifies the subscription process with a click-to-consent mechanism for signing subscription agreements, eliminating the traditional, cumbersome e-signature experience. Additionally, our unified API enables seamless order placement across a variety of investment opportunities, including publicly offered, privately offered registered funds, and privately offered feeder funds.


Our platform provides streamlined reporting for customer portfolios, position data, transactions, and capital calls.


Monark Markets, Inc was founded in January of 2023. Monark acquired LEX Markets' software and legal assets in May of 2023. LEX was a venture backed company that raised ~$27M and was last valued at ~$80M, having built an end to end solution for issuing and conducting trading of Regulation A shares of commercial real estate. The Monark team is excited to continue the mission started by LEX.

Last updated